AAC Superplus

A Highly Effective, 3 rd Generation, Dual action AAC Block Additive, for the production of free flowing concrete in hot weather and as a substantial water reducing agent for achieving high ultimate strength, i.e. high initial and final compressive strengths. AAC SUPERPLUS has been primarily developed for application in concrete industries where the highest possible durability and performance is required. AAC SUPER PLUS is compatible with all Portland cements that meet recognized international standards. cohesive and prevents segregation.

AAC SUPERPLUS Beneficial Properties

  • Long lasting control of slump loss
  • No adverse effect on ultimate strengths
  • High Water Reduction
  • Significant increase in ultimate strengths
  • Improved surface finish
  • Improved water tightness
  • No excessive air entrainment
  • No adverse shrinkage effects
  • Better resistance to aggressive atmospheric conditions
  • Increased durability
  • Lower permeability

Handling Instructions:
AAC SUPERPLUS product is generally quite harmless provided certain precautions are taken for handling chemicals. Avoid contact with foodstuff and food utensils. Avoid prolonged skin contact.Wear protective clothing, gloves etc. (In the event of contamination, wash thoroughly with water.If the eye or mouth is affected, wash with plenty of clean water immediately and obtain medical treatment.